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My Profile


My stage name on is DayannaMaxwell. Turn me into a cum hungry gangbang-diva in VIP nude camshow and cum as I squirt hard and moan in English, Spanish and a few more languages that weren`t even invented! My naked body wants xxx hardcore action, grab my shoulder length blonde hair and fuck me from behind!

About me


I like:

La obediencia, que seas sumiso ante tu ama y seas el mejor esclavo // Obedience, that you be submissive to your mistress and be the best slave


I don't like:

Hombres tacaños y desinteresados en complacer y satisfacer a su // Stingy and disinterested men in pleasing and satisfying their

Language: English, Spanish


Reviews rating 5 of 5

Hola señores, soy Dayanna bienvenidos a mi perfil. Soy una mujer educada que le encanta la industria para adultos. Me excitan instantáneamente los hombres inteligentes que puedan mantenerme involucrada en una conversación y enseñarme cosas nuevas. // Hi guys, I'm Dayanna, welcome to my profile. I am an educated woman who loves the adult industry. I am instantly turned on by intelligent men who can keep me engaged in conversation and teach me new things.

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